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Our Specialist Early Years Educators at Weston Green

Posted: 9th February 2023

The learning opportunities and quality of education a child experiences from birth to 5 years old directly affects their early development whilst also shaping their life chances. The specially recruited adults responsible for delivering these learning experiences can have a huge impact on a child’s progress and future life outcomes.

The high quality learning experiences we offer in the Early Years phase is reliant upon our members of our staff having appropriate knowledge, experience, training and skills.  A recent report from the Department of Education and Durham university revealed that children who are taught well in their first year of primary school go on to achieve better GCSE results in Maths and English. This is why our expert teachers in the early years are crucial to your child’s start at our school.

Our Team

We are so lucky within our team to have practitioners whose experience spans multiple education sectors and child based settings.  They come to school with a passion for early education, having researched ideas, tested new activities and explored the best possible ways to ensure our children learn through play and discovery.  Children enjoy achievement through creating and thinking critically, they develop their own ideas and this form of learning enables them to make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things. Pulling together play experiences which provide all these opportunities is not an easy task and requires the best possible team.

Specialist Teaching

Every member of our team brings a specialism in their own way.  We incorporate these specialisms into our bespoke curriculum and we also offer our children a weekly experience with our school wide specialist team.  Music, French, games, Forest School and yoga are offered on a weekly basis.

Effective Teaching

At Weston Green, our experienced teachers prioritise spending as much time as possible interacting with the children and observing them as they play, explore and learn. This allows them to build strong relationships with each child as well as provide crucial opportunities for modelling and challenging . They know where they are in their learning and can most appropriately guide and deepen their knowledge and skills to ensure they continue to progress. Through teachers extensive knowledge of the children they work with, they can make quick reflections and adjustments to directly help their pupils achieve their learning goals.

Rigorous training for staff is key to maintaining the high quality of teaching and learning in our setting. Staff enjoy a range of developmental opportunities and constantly strive to improve their knowledge, skills and understanding.  They also benefit from collaborating with Early Years teams from our sister schools in the Bellevue Group.

Come and see the school in action at our upcoming Open Morning on Thursday 16th March.  To book your place please contact Mrs Ranger on 020 8398 2778 or info@westongreenschool.org.uk.

If you can’t make this, you can also book an individual tour of our friendly Nursery and Kindergarten with our Headteacher at another convenient time.

If your child is aged between 18 months and 3 years, we’d love to invite you to our Toddler Tunes held every Tuesday during term time from 10-11am.  Contact Mrs Ranger info@westongreenschool.org.uk for more details.

Categories: General News Pre Prep