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Future Schools Programme and Preparation for 11+

Preparing for Senior Schools at Weston Green School

Weston Green School is a place where children thrive and grow to become confident and independent young people, well placed to succeed and gain entry into their top choice of independent and grammar schools in the surrounding area. 

We take pride in ensuring that our children achieve exceptionally well, through both tailored prep and a rich and diverse curriculum and learning experience during their time with us, so ensuring they have both the precise skills and the wider aptitudes, confidence and character education to secure places at a broad range of top senior schools. Our children regularly receive offers from  senior schools including Surbiton High, City of London Freemen’s, Guildford High, Claremont Fan Court, Royal Grammar Guildford, St John’s Leatherhead, St George’s Weybridge, Tormead, Ewell Castle, Kingston Grammar, Notre Dame, Hampton Boys, LEH, Feltonfleet, Reeds, and Epsom College. We are proud of our track record of successful scholarships awarded over the past few years in various categories including academic, music, drama and sport.

11+ Future Schools Programme at Weston Green School

In a structured, yet discrete way, children at Weston Green are prepared for their next phase of education, for the entrance and application process as well as life in Year 7 and beyond.

While we broadly follow the National Curriculum, as an independent school, we have the flexibility to create our own thematic curriculum and make cross-curricular links more meaningful. Our curriculum remains broad and balanced, with a continued emphasis on creativity, questioning, independent thinking, and teamwork.

With a strong focus on excellence in the core skills of English and maths, complimented by verbal and non-verbal reasoning, and together with a focus on providing opportunities for leadership, increased personal responsibilities, gaining confidence in conversation, collaboration and taking initiative, our children are well prepared to succeed through the 11+ process and to thrive in their onward schools.

11+ Future Schools programme, working with you

We engage parents regularly in discussions about future schools and hold meetings and workshops throughout the year to keep you informed. With our wealth of knowledge, experience and connections with a vast array of local 11+ schools, we are able to advise and guide parents to make the right choices for their children. We host a Future Schools evening with visiting Headteachers to talk to parents as well as a Future Schools Fair where many 11+ schools are represented and can answer your queries.  These are invaluable events that will keep you informed.

We provide informal opportunities to hear from former Y7 pupils and their parents, sharing their experiences and journey, or for our staff to talk to you, as well as more formal chances for parents to meet with a panel of teachers and the Headteacher to discuss and finalise options.  At all stages we guide and support your family’s choice. 

Hear Year 6’s experience in this short video: 

Click here to view our Future Schools programme:

Future Schools offers and scholarships 2024
11+ destinations and scholarships awarded for 2024
11+ scholarships to future schools 2023
11+ destinations and scholarships awarded for 2023
Join us for our Reception open morning

Join us at Weston Green School’s Reception Open Morning to explore our enhanced curriculum, experience specialist lessons, enjoy storytime with your child, tour with Year 6 pupils, and discover what life in Reception and beyond offers!

Open Morning: Tuesday 28th January 8.30-10am

To book your visit, please register with Mrs Ranger info@westongreenschool.org.uk