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Performing Arts

At Weston Green School, we believe that drama and performing arts are essential for developing the creativity, confidence and communication skills of all our children. We offer a range of opportunities for pupils to explore their talents and express themselves through music, drama and dance.

Our curriculum covers various aspects of performing arts, such as singing, acting, improvisation, script writing, prop design, and choreography. We also encourage children to appreciate different genres and styles of performance, from Shakespeare to musical theatre.

We have a dedicated Music and Drama suite with two individual practice rooms, together with our school hall where pupils can rehearse and perform in a professional environment.

We are proud of our strong links with LAMDA, providing high-quality classes for children in singing, dancing and drama. Our pupils can benefit from the expertise and guidance of our passionate and experienced teaching staff, as well as external professionals who visit our school to deliver workshops and masterclasses.

We showcase our pupils’ achievements in drama and performing arts through regular performances, teatime concerts and events. Our pupils have the opportunity to perform on stage in front of an audience of parents, staff and the local community.  Our high quality productions include Mystery at Magpie Manor and this year’s Amazing Adventures of Super Stan!