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Headteachers Blog 20th October 2023

Posted: 21st October 2023

What a joy to finish this busy half term with a week of glorious harvest celebrations. From our youngest Pre Prep and Reception children singing of pumpkins, farming and autumn leaves to the stunning choral performances of our choirs in both Upper and Lower Prep accompanied by Year 6 musicians in the setting of All Saints Church. All were joined in one theme of giving thanks and sharing all that we have with others.

This notion of giving back and the personal sense of well being this can give will be part of our focus for this year. After half term we will be introducing how aspects of volunteering and identifying ways to give our time and energies to others can make the difference in what we do, but also for ourselves too. Giving back makes a difference to our own well being. It is often said that “Those who are the happiest, are those who do the most for others”. We will be exploring this, the ways in which we can contribute back, make a difference to others,  learn more about volunteering in its many forms and the difference this can make. We are all very much looking forward to this!

Before that, however, we hope all our children and families have the most wonderful half term break, find time to rest and recharge after what has been an exciting and busy start to the school year.

Enjoy the half term break ahead.


Categories: Headteachers Blog