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The Role of Character Education at Weston Green School

A quality education is not just about academic achievement and exam performance. Yet Character Education is often overlooked by many parents and schools as an essential part of a child’s learning journey. But what does Character Education mean and how does it help children thrive in our fast-paced and dynamic world?


What is Character Education?

Character Education is the process of fostering virtues and ethical values through explicit and implicit means. The main goal of character education is to nurture character qualities and behaviours that inspire motivation and direct con

duct so that pupils think wisely, become inquisitive learners and act with integrity so they can collaborate well with others; the skills that they require to thrive in our society. At Weston Green School, Character Education is integrated into our excellent curriculum, school ethos and co-curricular activities.

Developing Character Skills for Life: 


We believe that every school has aresponsibility to nurture the social, moral and cultural growth of children as part of a comprehensive and holistic curriculum and prepare them for the challenges and opportunities they will face in their future lives.


Character Education is vital in today’s world because it provides children with the positive personal qualities, attitudes, moral and ethical values needed to cope with our increasingly complex world. While we can’t train children for jobs, situations, challenges and technologies that are yet to be created, Character Education helps pupils with a set of skills to thrive in a job market and within a society that is constantly changing and evolving. They also learn how to make the best decisions in difficult circumstances.


How Character Education Enhances and Enriches Learning

A committed effort to nurturing character brings many advantages. As research shows, it can lead to improved well-being and academic achievement for children.

Character Education promotes resilience and self-confidence. When children encounter difficulties or setbacks, it provides them with the skillset they learn to keep trying and improve. Confidence in their abilities increases, enabling them to face new challenges with passion.

By cultivating virtues of responsibility, citizenship and service, children are motivated to contribute to the common good and actively participate in the improvement of their communities and society.


How we promote Character Education in school

At Weston Green School, we strongly believe developing character is the key for enhancing wellbeing, achievement, behaviour and preparing children to succeed in society. Through character growth and learning we enable children to become resilient adaptable individuals, reaching their full potential who can create their own successful futures.


As Headteacher Mrs Sarah Evans explains “At Weston Green School, we believe that education is more than just academic learning. It is also about building character and values. We believe that Character Education is vital for our pupils to reach their highest potential, to make a positive impact on society, and to cope with the demands of the 21st century. That’s why we offer a comprehensive and coherent curriculum that nurtures the development of moral and intellectual virtues, such as respect, aspiration, adaptability, honesty and grace. Through Character Education, we empower our pupils to become active learners, critical thinkers, resilient and compassionate individuals with a love of learning, who can shape their own future and make a difference in the world”. 

To discover more, please contact Mrs Ranger on info@westongreenschool.org.uk and book a personalised tour with our Headteacher, Mrs Evans.