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Early Years Sports Day

Posted: 29th June 2022

The sun may not have known if it wanted to shine on Thursday but the sporting stars of Early Years certainly lit up the day!  When you are preparing for sports day with children under 5, it is always worth embracing the ‘anything is possible’ attitude as crowds, hurdles, whistles and straight lines can cause unexpected havoc that cannot be prepared for!  However, as the parents lined up on one side of the track, with the entire school community along the other, the children were cushioned by overwhelming support and encouragement which could only mean one thing – success!

Our Nursery children rose to the occasion and took to their starting lines with confidence that can only be achieved by knowing that everyone is on your side.  The first whistle was blown and the children were away.  Every subsequent race being cheered on, enjoyed and celebrated as much as the first – regardless of finishing positions or speed.  Our youngest children were expertly cared for by their Year 6 friends (who, themselves, were nothing short of exceptional in their roles).  Kindergarten took to the stage and showed that there is a competitive spirit lurking in this year group and they are clearly keen to get into their House groups and start the racing proper!  The last group to compete in each activity was Reception.  Sports day is the first taste of the House competitions they will embrace in the years to come and they were well prepared – knowing it’s always about the taking part but it’s nice to try your best and be happy for those around you.  We can’t win everything and nor should we!  This sporting spirit was evident throughout the sprints, hurdles, beanbag races and relays taking place.

At the end of the event, when the winners were announced, the children clapped each other (and their teachers) claiming victory whatever their House colour!  Who needs the sun when the brightest stars are the ones right here at Weston Green, laying on the astro after a busy afternoon of entertaining the crowds?!

Categories: General News Pre Prep
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