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Early Years Nativity

Posted: 6th December 2022

At Weston Green, you know Christmas is coming when a few key things happen: the carpets are full of glitter, all dolls are renamed Jesus and Mrs Pinhey gets the bells out!  Early Years makes the most of the festive season and this year we kicked it off by welcoming our families into class to help make decorations.  It was so lovely to open up part of the afternoon for all to join, the classrooms and corridors look wonderful as a result of this hard work and we instantly felt like the festive season had begun!  We then turned our attention to the magical Mrs Pinhey who not only led our open music lesson for Nursery children and their families but also organised our Nativity.  Mrs Pinhey writes the songs she sings with Nursery and also wrote all the words, lyrics and music for the EY nativity – this goes some way to highlight why our children love to sing and move to music so much!

When young children are faced with up to 75 grown ups in our school hall, all staring expectantly at them, it is impossible to predict what will happen (and often many things happen all at once!) but we have nothing but pride for our Kindergarten and Reception classes, who learnt lines, stage directions, song lyrics and actions to treat audiences to a musical re-telling of the Christmas story.  Mrs Pinhey and the whole EY team work hard to make this a fun experience for the children, many of whom are present on different days of the week, by gently weaving the skills and experience needed to perform on stage into the areas of learning relevant to each child.  Christmas in EY is nothing short of joyful and if the children take that joy home for the Christmas holidays then we have done our job!

Categories: Pre Prep