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Victorian Day

Posted: 13th February 2023

It’s been 1850 at Weston Green School today with Year 5 immersing themselves in the life and times of Victorians. “Cleanliness comes next to Godliness” instructed Mrs Evans as Year 5 chimney sweeps, maids, street children and young sirs and ladies entered assembly this morning, having their hands inspected. “Stand with straight backs and hands by your sides. You will not talk,” she ordered.

The day continued with Victorian music, drills, arithmetic with shillings, farthings and pence, and copy book handwriting, all with teachers more stern than Weston Green children have ever had the misfortune to experience before.

Later on, the Chertsey Museum joined us with fascinating artifacts and aromas from the Victorian home!  Smell boxes were passed around, introducing us to smells including coal fires, gas lights, the sewers and ginger beer!  After a hands-on artifact experience including a sugar loaf, hot water bottle, carpet beater and chamber pot, the children were then challenged with sewing and dip-pen writing … very messy business! The day concluded with a STEM activity with bridge-building, following in the footsteps of Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

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