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Character Education at Weston Green School

Posted: 27th November 2023

The cultivation of character strengths and virtues among pupils is a pivotal element in shaping their personal growth and future prospects. The development of these positive qualities are deeply embedded in the fabric of life at Weston Green School

Our aim is to foster character traits and behaviours that instil motivation and guide conduct so that pupils reflect wisely, learn eagerly and behave with integrity and work well with others; the qualities that they need to flourish in our society.

The Character Programme

At Weston Green School, children benefit from our expansive Character Education Programme, which was informed by leading academic research and carefully developed in consultation with experts from across the Bellevue Education Group.

The programme has been developed so that we can encourage the development of moral and ethical attitudes, civic action, as well as the development of performance and intellect.

It is comprised of eight core strands:

  • Beyond Borders
  • Environment
  • Leadership
  • Learning
  • Expression
  • Volunteering
  • Unity
  • Endeavour

Through Learning and Beyond Borders, pupils develop reasoning and critical thinking, resourcefulness and curiosity through an experience of the wider world. A strong sense of community and service is grown through Volunteering and Unity, while Leadership and Environment allow for the development of moral virtues  including courage, integrity and honesty. Endeavour and Expression allow pupils to gain performance virtues such as determination, perseverance and resilience.

Working in collaboration with our sister schools within the Bellevue Group opens up broader opportunities for pupils to participate in activities on a larger scale.

Character Education in Action

Character virtues are ‘taught’ ‘sought’ and ‘caught’. Weston Green School children have direct opportunities to learn and practise character strengths, and have many experiences which expose them to concepts and examples of positive virtues.

At Weston Green School, we aim to foster the virtues and values that will help our pupils to become responsible, compassionate and confident individuals who can thrive in our society. We do this by:

  • Employing the skills learned in PRE, character education is integrated into our curricular subjects e.g. English, PSHE humanities and science subjects, where we explore moral dilemmas, 
    ethical issues, and different perspectives. 
  • Through initiatives like Girls on Board, Working with Boys, and the Developing Positive Relationship Group, students learn to recognise virtues. Using scenario-based learning, they enhance decision-making, adeptly identifying virtues in dialogues. Considering circumstances, reflecting on strengths and weaknesses, and engaging in practical reasoning fosters ethical decision-making and well-rounded development.
  • Engaging students in diverse co-curricular activities like sports, music, drama, art, and clubs fosters creativity, teamwork, leadership, and resilience. These activities provide a platform for expression and skill-building, contributing significantly to well-rounded individuals’ personal growth and character development.
  • Pupil involvement in the school community, including the school parliament, volunteering, and the Endeavour Award program, brings numerous benefits. These opportuniti
    es empower students to shape their school environment, fostering ownership and community. Engaging in volunteering and citizenship initiatives cultivates empathy and social responsibility. The Endeavour Award program offers a structured framework for recognizing compassion and leadership, contributing to pupils’ positive impact on their community and developing valuable life skills for responsible citizenship.
  • Encouraging pupils to reflect on character strengths and areas for improvement is a valuable practice. Fostering self-awareness enables personalised goal-setting, while action plans empower proactive steps toward achievement. This reflective approach contributes to personal development, cultivating responsibility and establishing a foundation for a lifelong commitment to continuous self-improvement..
  • Celebrating pupils’ achievements and character development is vital in our approach. Spotlighting accomplishments in assemblies, newsletters, and postcards not only honours dedication but fosters a positive learning environment. This boosts children’s confidence and reinforces the importance of character development in their academic journey, inspiring a culture where every achievement is valued, and each child’s journey toward personal growth is celebrated..

Children at Weston Green will not only achieve academic excellence, but also develop a strong sense of self, a positive attitude, and a lifelong love of learning.

Categories: General News
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