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Headteacher’s Blog   14/12/23

Posted: 14th December 2023

What a term!

The holidays are here and mark the end of a wonderful first term of the school year. During this last week it has been a pleasure watching all 3 of our wonderful Christmas performances, where the children have each shown such confidence and enjoyment and have been impressive in the way they have collaborated, worked hard but also enjoyed performing to an audience! To complete the term too with the wonderful Winter Walk, with Lower and Upper Prep all taking part in giving their time and efforts to fundraise over £800 for the local Momentum Charity. The children were so proud of how they have helped make a difference to others. 

This has been a term full of impressive moments like these, be it through their activities in class, visits out of school, supporting their house competitions, taking part in ISA sports, residential visits away from home, taking their first steps into school or taking their 11+ exams to name but a few. Throughout school life this term, children have demonstrated their achievements and their wonderful attitudes to learning, their growing independence and sense of responsibility at all stages and ages, their focus on caring for each other, commitment towards making a difference, but above all their enjoyment in learning and getting the most out of life at school. It’s certainly been a brilliant busy term!

I don’t think we, or the children, would have it any other way. To watch our children grasping the many opportunities laid out before them, and learning and growing so much as a result, is all we can wish for.

May I take this opportunity to thank each and every family for their support throughout this year and on behalf of the children and the staff we wish you a very happy and peaceful Christmas.


Mrs Sarah Evans


Categories: Headteachers Blog